Mastering Fraud Solution Implementation - Importance of Leadership and Unified Priorities
This web domain has been registered for more than three years. At that time (early 2019, before COVID-19 showed up), I was sure to go ahead, conquer my doubts, and start writing about personal experiences and views on the topics of fraud.
As a professional working for many years on various projects related to fraud and financial crimes in various domains and roles, I felt my view would be enriching. Moreover, through my experiences, I could help others get into the field, expand their knowledge or help others to orient themself in the vast space of fraud prevention.
As weeks passed, I thought about many topics and even wrote a few articles. Yet, I was still contemplating and re-assessing the whole project in parallel. I knew I wouldn't be able to post regularly, and I wasn't sure whether my view was so unique.
Even though the blog "go-live" date was slowly pushed back, I could continue sharing my insights and provide advice or best practice as part of my work. Moreover, my audience was our diverse customers with whom I had a chance to interact, whether as part of actual project delivery or just in an advisory role. So, this part of my need for self-realization was saturated.
Almost four years later, after seeing a massive increase in interest in this domain (from fraudsters and experts trying to fight them alike), I realized that I should have gone through with the original plan. When discussing with customers and people interested in the fraud and financial crimes domain, I often refer to ideas and topics I had listed as relevant to address through this blog or that I have already written in my head.
Rather than waiting for another couple of years to realize the same, this time, I will proceed and share some of my views, experiences, and advice. So, if you meet me sometime in the future to discuss fraud topics, I might refer back to some of the articles hosted on these pages.
So, let's talk fraud ...
Ivan Skula